Cosmic&Flower Holistic-Energetic Therapist education at the Therapista Center Cairo

For the first time in Egypt Cosmic&Flower starts a teaching a concept that’s practice since 1999 in the Netherlands.

With level I you receive a Cosmic&Flower Holistic Energetic therapist certificate.
fter following 3 levels you will Graduate with a diploma.

The Cosmic&Flower concept is based on the knowledge that mental- emotional disorders and physical pain or diseases always are a Soul message to the personality. 

Based on the fact that a good therapist knows how to heal her- or himself, before she or he actual can heal and coach clients- patients or HSP and New Age children. 

And based on the fact that everyone can learn to clean, balance, heal or magnetize with all kind of energies, but this will not heal the main or karmic cause of the energetic-, mental-emotional- or physical disturbances.  That’s why a Cosmic&Flower therapist always ‘works’ on personal and Higher Self and Celestial Soul levels. 

Our Cosmic&Flower Egyptian chakra oils are made inspired by the original Egyptian Sacred Chakra Oils, used dating back to 3000 B.C., by High Priests and Priestesses during healing, temple services, ceremonies, purification rituals and mummification processes.

The Cosmic&Flower Egyptian chakra Oils are a combination of the original Egyptian Sacred Holy chakra Oils and a Cosmic&Flower Energy. (Our Cosmic&Flower Energies are essences prepared from Flowers-Gemstones-Crystals and Cosmic- and Light World Frequencies). They are free of chemicals and dyes. The Cosmic&Flower Egyptian chakra oils have Patent Ownership 

The Cosmic&Flower Holistic- Energetic Therapist education will be educated in 3 levels., Each level will be giving in 12 hours, spread over 2 days. Between the levels there will be plenty of time for integration. All levels will be certificate. After following 3 levels you will Graduate with a diploma. Cosmic&Flower is registered In the Netherlands at the K.V.K Venlo as an education center under number 555 70 623. 

The maximum students group will be 8 persons

During each level May Elmasry, the founder of Art Healing will be accompany me for Arabic translation if needed. 

Level I: 13 and 14 April 2018

During level I you gain knowledge in the original Divine chakra system and their 12 Soul level qualities, (who can, since 17 august 1987, activate on the Divine level they resonated on before the fall of Atlantis and Lemuria). learn to cooperate with the for many still invisible ‘Light World’ as Angels, Ascended Masters and Lady Masters and how to use the all purifying Violet Flame. By ‘playing’ with Prana and energies, practice techniques, bio-energetic exercises, Prana breathing techniques, and by experience yourself, you become aware that the 7 main chakras are responsible for your personal, mental-emotional, physical, spiritual and psychic being. Learn how to clean life gained, traumatic and karmic coursed blockages. How to heal, balance and stabilize your current chakra system and activate your original Divine chakra system, and how to ground, energize and protected yourself.

With level I you gain a Cosmic&Flower Holistic Energetic therapist certificate.
After following 3 levels you will Graduate with a diploma.

Level II : 4 and 5 May 2018

During level II you become aware that your aural Light bodies are the essence of who you are. Experience and gain the knowledge that your aural Light bodies are a part of your being, that as well connects with all energies around you as Earth Energies as Dimensions and the Multiverse. And that your aural Light bodies are a part of your ethereal electromagnetic and psychological energy field, created and send out by your thoughts, words, emotions and deeds. Get insight why one therapist can easily deal with 25 sessions a week and the other only with 5 and how it’s possible your energy can get sucked away by meeting persons, during shopping etc.. By ‘playing’ with Prana, consciousness transforming visualizations and experience yourself, you will learn to feel the different frequencies of the aura layers and how they finally manifest in the structure of your physical body. By practicing techniques you learn to see, feel and identify blockages, trauma’s, Karmic disturbance and attached manipulating energies, aura lifters, Astral parasites- entities etc. within aura Light bodies layers. How to clean- and close holes-, created by the removal of energetic ballast, and to balance- and stabilize the aura Light bodies layers. And learn how to keep your own Etheric being and physical energy level high in daily life. 

With level II you gain a Cosmic&Flower Holistic Energetic therapist certificate.
After following 3 levels you will Graduate with a diploma.

Level III Because Ramadan the date will be agreed in consultation with our group.

During level III you will by receiving and practicing different kinds of Healing massages techniques. Find out how the C & F Egyptian Chakra oils can be used as an additional valuable healing element by applying them during relaxing energetic healing touch massage, therapeutic touch and polarity therapy physical healing massage, from for example painful joints, muscles, back, neck, abdominal complaints, painful zone complaints, headache- migraine etc. massages techniques and Chakra balancing Healing techniques to purify as well the energetic as physical bodies from emotional, mental and Karmic blockades.

And most important during all II levels, you learn how to heal yourself, so you will be able as a Cosmic&Flower therapist… to Heal, coach and guide clients- patients, HSP and New Age children to heal themselves, until they are cable of healing their self. 

Introduction of your teacher

My name is Donny Sternfeld. They call me a psychic medium and body and Soul Healer. I call myself a missionary of Universal Love&Peace and body and Soul Re-Connector. My Mayan Sun seal is a blessing, I’m a Red Snake, tone 7 and Galactic Activation Portal. This means that’s easy for me to channel as well my own Blueprint and DNA knowledge as the Earths Matrix and Multiverse Matrix. 

I’m the executive Director of Cosmic&Flower Remedies. Together with my son Mark I’m the Initiator-creator of the Cosmic&Flower products and the founder of the Cosmic&Flower concept therapist education and Self-healing teachings. 

One of my Multidimensional tasks is activating DNA-RNA knowledge and purifying personal blockades and energetic invisible attachments on Soul level.

I graduated in Homeopathy-, and Orthomolecular nutrition and medicine. My certified disciplines are: Naturopaths Science. Psycho-Ecology. In Resonance with Nature cleansing, neutralizing and balancing negative energies professional. Mediator between mankind and all kinds of Earth and Planetary bounded types of “unseen” entities. Crystal- Gemstones therapies. Initiating- activating and teaching Mayan Wisdom Laws. Kemet Neteru knowledge initiator and Healing technics. Emotional Kinesiology. IKIDO-NLP management. Holy Sacred Geometry, including the Merkaba. Hathor-Sekhmet- Galactic Light Body Holon initiator-activator. 

I am the Dutch Ambassador of the Shams El Nile Association for Pyramids Science- Health and Research project founded by scientist in Atomic Energy Doctor Ahmed Nassar.

The initiator and owner of the Key to Egypt Tours and Bawiti Oasis Resort in El Wahet Bahariya.

Organising holistic spiritual retreat journeys all over Egypt and teachings are my most favourites life-Soul purposes.

More information about me you can read on:
May love and light surround the world,
Heart-Soul hug, Donny Sternfeld

Introduction of assistant teacher
for Arabic translation

May Elmasry is the founder of Art Healing will assist me for Arabic translation. May certified disciplines are:

* Professional trainer from the American university in Cairo. *Practitioner of NLP from the American board. 
*Master practitioner of NLP from the American board.
*Time Line therapist from the American board. 
*Practitioner of Meta states program of coaching genius from the international society of Neuro-semantics. 
*Chromatic healer from Blue lotus foundation.
* Healer by spiritual technology (PEAT, Aspectics). 
*Practioner of Emotional kinesiology. *Practitioner of Therapeutic breathing and Telepathy from Winglee Academy. *Hypnotherapist from the American Board. 
*Practitioner of creative art healing by Dr.Anni Cree , the EAGT association. *Graduated from faculty of pharmacy , Cairo University.

Date and time Level I Friday 13 and Saturday 14 April from 11am until 5pm

Early Bird registration level 1: before 22 march 2018, for 2 days 3000 LE, including A set of the 7 Cosmic&Flower Egyptian Chakra oils and a booklet with the descriptions of the 7 Cosmic&Flower Egyptian Chakra oils . An very detailed manual for recourse and home study. Use of the Cosmic&Flower Egyptian Chakra oils during the healing sessions. Level I certificate. Light lunch, Herbal thee, coffee and water. Normal fees after 22 march 2018 3300 LE 

For conformation please pay a deposited of 1000 LE at our desk@Therapista, or by Vodafone cash 01097087045

To reserve and ensure a spot mail the needed information for your certificate: Full name. Date of birth and Place of birth to: or via Facebook pm.

Feel free to call me if you have any questions: 010-9130-1802
Or call Therapista Center: 01097087045. Or send private message on our Therapista Center page.

With level I you gain a Cosmic&Flower Holistic Energetic therapist certificate.

After following 3 levels you will Graduate with a diploma.

Dates and time level II and III for graduating as a Cosmic&Flower Therapist will be Inshallah 4 and 5 May

Fee level II: 2.777 LE

Date level III: Because Ramadan the date for Level III will be agreed in consultation with our group.

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