The following information on the Cosmic&Flower Remedies is brief. You’ll find detailed information on for instance the effects a remedy has on the physical and etheric body in the accompanying BOX.

We present you the energies we were able to record in the Cosmic&Flower Remedies with love and gratitude.

We have faith in the fact that anybody who works with the Cosmic&Flower Remedies will experience the healing and transforming blessing of the resonating frequencies, and pass this on to those who ask for help in confidence and for transformation and healing in hope. Below you’ll find a brief description of the 4 boxes each containing twelve 10 ml. drop-glass bottles of Stock You use these bottles to make doses. And from the Deva Rescue Remedy:

In light and love, Donny Sternfeld 

Product Links:

Box I Oak t/m Devotion

Box II Eclipse 2002 t/m Star Gate

Box III Purple Ray t/m Yellow Ray

Box IV Lunar t/m Purity of Soul

Trauma Away/S.O.S.

Distribution of the Cosmic&Flower Remedies:

The Cosmic&Flower Remedies are available from VSM Special Remedies.

One of ‘Special Remedies’ missions is to market products and therapy concepts, which have an innovative effect on therapeutic treatment by means of natural remedies that stimulate self-healing power.

Cosmic&Flower Remedies you can order at:

 Apotheek Hahnemann:

De Krommert 12a, 1851 ZE Heilo, The Netherlands

Website: see webshop


Phone:  +31 (0)72 5325373


BOX I, BOX II, BOX III and BOX IV, each €188

incl. 21% VAT


incl. 21% VAT

10 % off when buying at a workshop or at Hahnemann

Trauma Away:  € 18.88

incl. 21% VAT

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