The remedies were prepared by: Donny Sternfeld, healer and natural therapist with the disciplines homoeopathy, phytotherapy and orthomolecular healing. And Donny’s son, Mark, healer, and working in a home for simply and/or multiply disabled youngsters. Student of Chinese medicine.
Together they are organizing workshops and courses for doctors and therapists, and for anybody looking for a method to support mankind in their Battle of the Soul. Their aim is to help these people in their transformation process to a higher level of consciousness, so that in the end their latent qualities and inner powers (which are present in any cell memory) such as e.g. clairfeeling, clair-knowing and intuition are awoken, and it becomes possible to choose for and apply the Cosmic&Flower Remedies to themselves or their clients/patients in the purest way possible.
Cosmic&Flower Remedies Background:
Our great examples Hippocrate, Paracelsus, Goethe, Hahnemann and Bach, who believed in the spiritual, invisible powers of Creation inspired us to prepare these remedies. It comes from our hearts, and aims to support mankind and ourselves in our transformation processes towards spiritual awareness and our search for the Divine Core, which everyone has inside him or herself, during this decade, the era of inner chaos. We know that the material body will also benefit from this. We mutually agreed that we only want to work with the highest degree of purification, and that we would like to refine this, since we are aware that we are being lead by the Divine World.
All our remedies are being created by means of channeling, inspiration and inner processes. The moment that you are being called by Universe and Mother Earth to make a remedy out of a plant, bush or tree is decisive. We clearly experience this to be a call. From the moment we were “called” we were at their disposal. Through inspiration, meditation and contemplation we are looking for the appropriate gems and/or crystals and flowers in nature reserves without any disturbing elements during the “moment of inspiration”. When we create a remedy, we use three plates to honour the Holy Trinity. Meditating using our Higher consciousness and paying attention to signs from nature and the universe we wait for the moment to be able to receive a plate. The Buzzard is one of the many signs, they are the permanent “guides” during the preparation of a remedy. That’s why we used a buzzard in our logo.