BOX III, contains 12 stock bottles, number 25 to 36
Introduction 25, Purple Ray
On the 9th February 2003 at 6.00 pm Dutch time, hundreds of thousands of people joined together with the peace-activist James Twyman, to create a worldwide peace. Not manipulating from the power of mind, but from the creative power that develops from the love-energy, that manifests itself from the heart. After the meditation many felt clearly the Light-love field activated on earth.
We were allowed to commit these light vibrations, with the help of Master Lady Nada, the representative of Love and the Angel Ariel who stimulates the psychic awakening.
In this Energy we have prepared along Snowdrops and the Herkimer diamond. The Herkimer diamond strengthens the feeling of self-esteem and the trust to start all over again.
- Purple Ray helps to accept and let go of, emotions and pain of the Soul, which are caused by grief, anger or disappointment. One can think about the situation that caused this and process it. Purple Ray shows that one has to be faithful to the own way without efface one. Shows that clinging to emotions blocks life wisdom, life’s insights and practical earthly knowledge. Purple Ray shows mentally, emotionally and spiritually insight in oneself. Because of this one finds back the inner way, so that one can enjoy life. It activates inner peace and the insight that one always comes out stronger out of difficult situations. Lets you understand that life experiences help to develop a strong personality. Purple Ray works supportive for everybody who sees it as a call to lighten the “suffering of the world”, amongst others our health workers, which often carry silently the suffering with them. Purple Ray helps them to maintain themselves in this work and to deal with the grief. It supports persons who have to take decisions in order to do their job or from their position, that are not understood and appreciated by the outer world or family members. Ariel gives strength to surround all problems with love and light. Lady Nada’s energy shows you that love is the basic thought in the Universe during all problems. She activates the inner light to heal in love and peace ones inner wounds. She makes difficulties flow through so that one doesn’t get stuck and again blocks himself in his development. Children and adolescents will not allow themselves to keep feeling the Soul pain, Soul eager. Also earthly developed pain, grief and anger can be let go of, so that space is created to integrate security, trust, inner peace and love.
Works energetically powerful on the root and up until the solar plexus chakras. Stimulates energetically the sexual glands that stand for a well-balanced state of mind and determination and the pancreas that stands for security in thinking.
After anchoring the crown charka is being activated.
Introduction 26, Violet Ray
The call of the Cosmos doesn’t pay attention to time! That way, Mark and I could prepare an Energy in the very early morning of 04-04-02, from the vibrations caused by Ikeya Zhang. At 04.33 this comet traveled very visible in The Netherlands and was for a moment in one line with the half moon. Soon after, under the constellation of Andromeda and with the help of the Master St. Germaine and the Engel Zadkiel, servants of the purple ray, we could receive the bowl. In Violet Ray we prepared along the Common Dog Violet and the Amethyst. De Amethyst activates light in unclear problems and enlightens insights during transformation to the spiritual awareness.
- Violet Ray activates personal growth and awareness: I dare to be, I’m looking great! It supports persons that are shy and daren’t to utter themselves out of insecurity or fear to be hurt. Moreover Violet Ray supports persons who carry along unnecessary feelings of guilt, by which one is inhibited to show inner processes. Violet Ray helps to feel at home and to adapt in groups, relationships, with classmates and work colleagues. It makes regarding life as positive and feels sympathy for all life forms, so that one is more open and has a positive radiance to meet the surroundings. It helps to maintain relationships without the need to strive for being loved and accepted. It encourages not to follow the herd but on the contrary to follow his path out of self-trust and independence. Zadkiels energy shows the world community as a challenge and helps to communicate from the inner knowing. His energy gives a deeper insight in the nature of men, so that one can come in contact easier and be relaxed in relationships. St. Germaine’s energy transforms old patterns that obstruct the awareness-process. He activates the power and the longing to conquer these earthly obstructions, so that one can create space for the development of the new self. He activates his all-purifying Violet Flame, so that one dares to step forth out of inner harmony, balance and connected to one, knowing that his deeds are special. He gives insight in the own sensitivity, so that on can become to see the linking with his spiritual development. The energy of St. Germaine assists also all persons that are in front of groups professionally or appear in public. It helps children and adolescents not to be intimidated again. It lets transform the little revolutionary and helps to let go of shyness and to be come well grounded on the own feet. Works energetically powerful on the root up until the heart/Thymus chakras. Stimulates energetically the pancreas that stands for clear thinking and the adrenal glands that stand for self-confidence. After anchoring the Earthstar- and Soul star chakras are being activated.
Introduction 27, Crystal Light
02-02-02 was an important cosmic date, the very first Universal celebration of the Light. The 22nd day after the activation of the Crystalline-energies that were send from the Central Sun to Earth. This is an energy that clears the way for the crystalline children to be born. These new incarnations will help to raise the collective vibration of humanity. They carry along a basic knowledge, a higher evolutionary energy which humanity doesn’t possess yet. Their ability to love and unity-consciousness is above the common known earthly understanding. Days beforehand we were regularly surrounded by Master Sananda who lived once on earth as our example Jesus. He spoke during preparation the words: “ Search yourself, not who you became to be, but the Light being in yourself.” Angel Gabriel, the announcer and guide of Souls who are going to be born or go back to their destination, accompanied Sananda. In Crystal Light we prepared along the blossom of the Hazel and Jade. Jade activates joy and peace till the core of the Soul and refreshes the emotional life and supports meditation techniques.
- Crystal Light stimulates a completely new insight in the development of your own being. It brings insights and clarity concerning choices, the profession one has and his social development. It protects and supports to close one of from which is happening around him and to let go the earthly worries. Crystal Light activates a peaceful meditating effect, so that one can cope with the “having” and performance pressure of this world. . It works very strong on the thinking and brings up hidden talents, insights, and helps to maintain these and to develop them. Gabriel’s energy helps to tune into the life-force energy that flows around the Earth. It protects for oversensitivity during awakening Higher Light-coding and during the moon cycles. Sananda’s energy frees an energy that searches for eons his path so that it can re-establish his connection with the Higher. It helps to avoid that one acts against his intuition. Sananda supports the intuition to be able to distinguish between the inner voices or the principle needs form the ego. It helps to find the inner centre and to anchor the higher vibrations coming from the Cosmos. It activates insight and the power of discernment in those parts where one has to take things into account during his life planning. Children and adolescents and especially Indigo-, Star-, Crystalline- and highly gifted children, that are often refused and not understood in their talents and in their being, are being supported in their biggest fear which they experience as a lack of love. Crystal Light helps them to stay in their own centre. To dare to be who they are. Works energetically powerful on the Root up until the Sacred chakras. Stimulates energetically the genital organs that stand for balance and determination and the adrenal glands that stand for inner light. After anchoring the pituitary chakra is being activated.
Introduction 28, Infinite Love
The blossom of the Hazel ogled already for days again. The day before February 17th 2003 it became clear to us that we cold prepare an Energy in the early morning hours. It was very special to see the full Moon and the just arose Sun opposite of each other in the sky. There was a special vibration and once again Master Sananda and the Angel Gabriël were there. In Infinite Love we prepared along the Chrysocolle together with the blossom of the Hazel. Chrysocolle brings us closer to feelings such as calmness, tolerance and peace. It promotes the sensitivity and strengthens the intuition.
- Infinite Love protects so that one doesn’t focus more on the well being of others than on the own well being. It gives parents of crybabies the insight, that these help their parents to discover the line for caring for someone else. Infinite Love helps to show how one can care for someone else and simultaneously knows from the own border that one has done enough, so that one can look at the own needs again. It prevents that one fulfills all needs and questions from the surroundings right away. Infinite Love helps to let go of the old foundation and start all over again. It lets recognize that one through taught habits and effacing oneself, others determine his life-path. It gives strength to dare to deal with the self-confrontation, and to break habits that are obstructing for being himself.
It stimulates to dare to look further, helps to let go of the tensions that came into being by thinking this way and to feel that one is now occupied positively.
Infinite Love shows clarity in the longer life’s line and increases the processes in life. It helps to teach people how to “scan” better and listen between the words. Gabriel strengthens the female side of the personality, the right hemisphere, to feel and experience subtle feeling which one can’t analyze. The energy of Sananda activates the needed power of discernment to think about his life’s-path. It activates the necessary rest in the inner being to be as honest as possible to one. It helps to experience self-consciousness, without doubt, out of a strong bond with himself, Mother Earth and the Cosmos. Also one can experience the contact with others as purely as possible. Children and adolescents and “cry” babies are being helped to balance all emotions that obstruct their own personal and spiritual development. Infinite Love helps to transform their short-temperedness and anger to experience what inner freedom is. It gives the strength to break through older structures out of a love-energy, to prepare the pathway for a better and freer life in a more humane society. Works energetically powerful on the Root up until the Heart/Thymus chakras. Stimulates energetically the pancreas, which stands for security in thinking and the adrenal glands, which stand for balance and determination and the thymus gland, which stands for self-confidence. After anchoring the Earthstar- and Soul star chakras are being activated.
Introduction 29, Life Energy
During the world healing of 03-03-03 from 03.33 AM, people prayed 24 hours long for the healing of Mother Earth and her inhabitants. Also they asked for Divine Wisdom for all world leaders and an oath was made by millions of Light-workers to take responsibility to co-create peace, Universal love and healing of humanity. Present was Master Padre Pio, a Master who was, during life, very dedicated to his God-consciousness and possessed mastery over his physical and ethereal body. He appears currently with many who tune their lives into the Christ consciousness, to convince them that they must keep on hoping and trusting, that there is power in their prayers.
Also appeared the Angel Suriel. He let us know, that as long as humanity can’t listen to animals or his own feelings, he will be one of the angels who assists humanity to reduce the affects of the earthly disasters. In Life Energy we prepared along the blossom of the Alder tree and Smoke Quartz. Smoke quartz challenges to take responsibility for his life and accepts positive thought patterns.
- Life Energy helps to transform survival structures, by which one, amongst others, works as a loner, gives all his energy to his work, relationship or someone else. To transform ways if thinking, like feeling to strong committed, set his own standards to high or be absorbed by self imposed duties, into new ways of thinking. Life Energy comforts those who are lonely “inside” and cannot experience a certain warmth and security because of these survival structures. It shows warmth and the recognition of the good intension of others, so that one can come in contact easier with fellow man and communicate. Shows that by dividing his energy differently one has more time for himself. Life Energy activates new life energy and insight, stimulates to use this for his own development. Gives insight in unhealthy relationships and helps to break off dragging connections and relationships one cannot let go of. He works strengthening with farewells in processes like divorce, death of a loved one, a growing dement parent or children that leave home. The energy of Padre Pio helps to find the purity and perfection inside for the development of the consciousness, and with more openness and a relaxing energy experience the world more colorful. After one has experienced his own healing, intuitively he activates an understanding for the physical well-being and the related emotions to help humanity. Children and adolescents learn not to rush themselves to prevent little accidents for instance bumping themselves often. Life Energy helps them to be honest, patient and controlled, and to distinguish between good and evil. It prevents them to react hypersensitive to good meant criticism. Works energetically powerful on the Root up until the spleen/Navel chakras. Stimulates energetically the sexual organs, which stand for balance and determination, and the adrenal glands that stand for inner light. After embedding the Epiphysis chakra is being activated.
Introduction 30, Blue Ray
Energetical peaks are fall and spring changes, and then there are portal openings to the Dolphin matrix layer in Mother Earth. Because of this one has the possibility to tune into the qualities of these beautiful animals. Common known are their communicative and intuitive abilities, their helpfulness and unity in gathering. By tuning into the usual world meditation, this year at the 20th March 2003, at 8.00 PM, rise the water molecules vibrations in Mother Earth and in the physical body, that both consist for 70% out of water. The world meditations originate from the thought to create worldwide a peaceful society in unity. Afterwards it didn’t surprise us that there was a gathering of Master energies during preparation of this Energy. The Masters present were: El Morya, Kuthumi, Sananda en St. Germaine, accompanied by the Angel Michael. Also for us this was a very special experience! In Blue Ray we prepared along the opening leaves of the Poplar, Red Granite and Kunzite. Granite promotes self-confidence and joy of life, Kunzite supports to persevere in his goals and tasks, helps to not avoid problems.
- Blue Ray gives insight in conflicts that coming from the mind obstruct development. It stimulates strongly the left- and right hemisphere, by which one learns to control the “thinking” and balance themselves.
The will-element “ I want to change my life”, is encouraged by this through own insights. It gives insight in fears present now, coming from ways of thinking, this way one doesn’t get contact with his feelings. It stimulates to see, that when one stimulates the own free will and life-vision where one came here on earth with, the inner fire often denied by others, one is protected forever. Blue Ray stimulates to learn to know his own motives and to shape this into an own life-vision and to act from this vision. Because of this one can say in joy: This is Me, here I life by!” The energy of El Morya activates the power to listen to his Higher will, this way the Higher Plan becomes clear. It transforms the lower ego into self-wanted discipline. Sananda’s energy activates the cosmic order, to reveal all his activities going from the Higher will. The energy of Kuthumi activates qualities like patience, inner calmness, clear insights and intuition, by which spiritual ignorance and human opinions about oneself and others can transform into a Higher Knowing. St. Germaine’s energy activates superior qualities, the longing to surrender the lower ego to the inner Divine Self, by which one can be an example from loyalty, respect and Universal love and loyalty. Michael confirms all these aspects from his Light force. Children and adolescents are being assisted in these “will” aspects. Moreover Blue Ray repairs energetically all Light bodies, by which they are protected from outside influences. Works energetically powerful on the Root up until the Epiphysis chakra. Stimulates energetically the epiphysis that stands for clear thinking. After embedding the Earth Heart crystal- and the Central Sun chakras are being activated.
Introduction 31, Pink Ray
On 11th March 2003 many Light workers answered the Masters call, to help anchoring a portal that was opened on the 33rd degree of latitude of Mother Earth. No one will be surprised about the fact that this is located in the middle of Iraq! Obvious is again humanity may expect help during the world crisis she’s in. The activation of this portal gives the opportunity to let resonate as much as possible, the released Light- and Peace energy from the fifth dimension. Everybody that is susceptible to the introduced energy, has not only the opportunity to let anchor this in his Light bodies, but can also pass this on via his hand-chakras to introduce the Light and Peace frequently. Already for days we had images of the third Pink Ray in which resonated a female being. During preparation appeared Lady Venus, accompanied by a beautiful energy. Later on it turned out to be an Elohim with the name Amora. Both represent the third ray! In Pink Ray we prepared along the Pink Quartz and the opening leaves of the Beech. Pink Quartz shows how one can affect favorably his surroundings with mildness, harmony and love.
- Pink Ray activates many forms of responsibility. It helps to treat your body responsible and gives insight in the food one eats. He activates strength when one is in need of support with quitting smoking or another addiction that harms the body. Pink Ray activates the responsibility when one has trouble with long time commitments or a relationship. Learns when necessary to take the responsibility for his deeds and sayings. Pink Ray assists the filtration and recognition to which problems need their attention and which ones are for the other one. It gives insight that one can be there for the other during help-questions, but the end responsibility is for the other one. Both Lady Venus and Amora activate the Higher heart chakra qualities and prepare to handle spiritual powers from the Universe with responsibility. Their energy is being activated whenever one is in front of a certain task with responsible demands. Their energy shows that one is jointly responsible for the well-being and the peace here on Earth. That, as long as there are dark thoughts and words resonating in our planets atmosphere, Earth cannot move on to the Light. They activate their pink energy of light in the Light bodies, by which their love-energy can anchor in the consciousness and one gets a reliable radiation, so that one gets allocated important tasks. Children and adolscents learn to handle their responsibilities. Amora protects them for harmful influences and for signals they receive from the noiseless communication from their subconscious layers from their parents and their surrounding. Works energetically on the Root up until the Pituitary chakras. Stimulates energetically the thyroid and the supra-thyroid glands, who stand for the controller of the spiritual and. After embedding the Hollow Earth- and the Galactic Portal chakras are being activated.
Introduction 32, Inner Peace
All over the world on May 5th 2002, could be seen, the spectacular positions of Mars, the planet of the aggression, but also the will to self-realization and of Saturn, the karmic planet, that confronts us with our responsibility and deeds, and of Venus, the planet of love and harmony. These 3 together formed a perfect equilateral triangle. During a period of not being able to understand extreme much higher conscious-perceptions, I asked my helpers a kind of proof. They told me to go to Avebury (England) and I would find I sign there in a flower-field. That same night cosmic energies beautifully reflected the planet positions of May 5th, combined with the positions of May 10th, the union of Venus and Mars in a field with beautiful yellow mustard-seed.
Master Maha Chohan, a powerful teacher who demonstrated a remarkable endurance during his life and the Angel Camael, who gives strength to those who are hurt mentally or physically, were both present during preparation of this Energy. In Inner Peace we prepared along the blossom of the Willow and the Sodalite. Sodalite enables to realize firmly goals.
- Inner Peace helps to deal with and let go of the useless mental or physical abuse one has undergone. Experiences by which one is deeply hurt, like extreme violence that occurred in the domestic environment, violence in marriage, sexual abuse, fights where one became unwanted involved with, disappointments in love etc. It helps to let go of the anger and bitterness about what one went through, in the knowledge that each and every one of us will have to give account to the Divine World for his deeds here on Earth. Inner Peace shows that one was challenged karmic to solve problems with inter-humane relationships and that one have possibilities to gain the quality of forgiveness. Camael helps to find courage to open the heart so that one is able to forgive. It frees from fears and grief that prevent to find his true potential and to realize. The energy of Maha Chohan releases qualities to raise the consciousness and to be free of pride. It activates the knowledge that even thoughts create karma and the wisdom to order thoughts and gives form that way to the own reality and lets understand life-lessons. Because of this one is capable of a big self-discipline, so that one can handle complicated tasks. One receives self-knowledge to recognize his spiritual powers, to accept them and to use them for higher tasks in life. With Children and adolescents Inner Peace increases the feeling of security by which they stand stronger in life. It helps them to conquer fear of contact, wanting to control everything with force or even play boss. Works energetically powerful on the Root up until the Spleen/Navel chakras. Stimulates energetically the sexual glands that stand for balance and determination and the adrenal glands that stand for Inner light.
After embedding the Crown chakra is being activated.
Introduction 33, Balance
We knew that the Earth, with humanity, found itself in a transitional period and her biosphere transformed to the noo-sphere. The biosphere is the life-carrying energy around our planet, inside which the evolution of life forms takes place. The noo-sphere is a thin layer that envelops the biosphere and contains amongst others the conscious thinking of man. This noo-sphere forms itself from the chrono-sphere that informs and directs. This contains also the time concept of Earth. It is the sphere that keeps the time-cycle for Earth. Time is third dimension, and this we may overcome! This transition is a natural evolution process of our Sun, a living energy that helps humanity towards self-reflection during evolution and from the instinctive towards telepathic ability. This is only possible if one can transform space in thoughts and emotions into listing with love to yourself and your own body. Afterwards it seemed that the sunspot peaks had reached their high that day. We felt also the power of the Central Sun, the source of the whole Universe, the beginning of all psychological and spiritual creations here on Earth. In Balance we prepared along the red and white flowers of the Common Hemp-nettles and Green Aventurine. Green Aventurine bring calmness and rest will resonate in our inner moods. Clarity and patience can set in. During preparation we were surrounded by beautiful Natur-elementals and Angel Rafael, the regent of the planet Mercury, that can always be called on for support whenever on has trouble adapting to new circumstances. Also appeared Lady Master Venus, the ethereal psychological power of the planet Venus. Her power in these Energies is amongst others the polarization of the chakras. Her energy alters the light rays such; that they stay vibrating bundled per chakra and cannot break off or bounce back.
- Balance activates a journey through the subconscious to be able to experience the fullness of his own spiritual aspects, so that the emotional world is becoming tangible. One gains insight in inner chaos, restless feelings like depression, powerlessness and the feeling that one wants much, much more, but doesn’t know exactly what. Balance shows that because of this chaos in the emotional world, one can come across as hyperactive and nervous to the outside world and that these feelings are the source of restlessness and insecurity. Feelings, by which what one learns can’t be developed. Balance brings the emotional life into balance, works like an organizer and frees of depressed thoughts. One can see that truth doesn’t let itself be researched with the mind, when the heart with its original joy, isn’t a part of this. Rafael’s energy activates the intuition so that one can focus on concrete tasks. It supports the search, also on a spiritual level and brings insights in a gentle way out of inner rest. It activates growth concerning the conscious level, e.g. knowing what one wants, how to make choices etc. This gives automatically room and a cheerful and satisfied feeling. Lady Master Venus activates will power and self-discipline to find his deeper energy, himself. She activates power by which one can stay himself and one can shape his consciousness and spiritual power, so that the healing gifts the person possesses that is attracted to Balance, can be discovered. She helps to help fellow man out of unconventional ideas and the intuition. The Light-codings of the Sun invite to discover the fulfillment of future possibilities and to reflect these. Its Light-vibrations restore and protect the Light bodies. Children and adolescents are being helped to find themselves and their hyperactive behaviour, coming form their emotional world, recognize more clearly and to balance it. Because of this they can express what they want and develop themselves out of inner security. Works energetically powerful on the root up until the Pituitary gland chakras. Stimulates energetically the thyroid and the thyroidal glands that stand for perseverance and the pituitary gland that stands for the inspector of the spiritual and intellectual brain parts. After anchoring the Hollow Earth- and Galactic Portal chakras are being activated.
Introduction 34, Regeneration
We knew that the Earth, with humanity, found itself in a transitional period and her biosphere transformed to the noo-sphere. The biosphere is the life-carrying energy around our planet, inside which the evolution of life forms takes place. The noo-sphere is a thin layer that envelops the biosphere and contains amongst others the conscious thinking of man. This noo-sphere forms itself from the chrono-sphere that informs and directs. This contains also the time concept of Earth. It is the sphere that keeps the time-cycle for Earth. Time is third dimension, and this we may overcome! This transition is a natural evolution process of our Sun, a living energy that helps humanity towards self-reflection during evolution and from the instinctive towards telepathic ability. This is only possible if one can transform space in thoughts and emotions into listing with love to yourself and your own body. Afterwards it seemed that the sunspot peaks had reached their high that day. We felt also the power of the Central Sun, the source of the whole Universe, the beginning of all psychological and spiritual creations here on Earth. In Balance we prepared along the red and white flowers of the Common Hemp-nettles and Green Aventurine. Green Aventurine bring calmness and rest will resonate in our inner moods. Clarity and patience can set in. During preparation we were surrounded by beautiful Nature-elementals and Angel Rafael, the regent of the planet Mercury, that can always be called on for support whenever on has trouble adapting to new circumstances. Also appeared Lady Master Venus, the ethereal psychological power of the planet Venus. Her power in these Energies is amongst others the polarization of the chakras. Her energy alters the light rays such; that they stay vibrating bundled per chakra and cannot break off or bounce back.
- Regeneration helps to not be blocked anymore by own fear, created by a feeling of inferiority. It works purely on being there and showing whom one really is. It activates regeneration-powers and transforms the latent danger that one poses himself to dependant. It gives insight that one can become by this unstable and can create alienation within relationships, family situations, or the work spot. By this insight one can leave behind, the impression of independence and the feeling to have to commit himself to others in order to realize something. Regeneration transforms the ambition to achieve a goal and the feeling that one lives out of control. He gives strength to confront you with feelings where one was moved by and let go of the fear one talked himself into. It shows positive sides and recognizes the pure being that is clearly present. Regeneration gives power and insight in the fears that are responsible for preventing to be who one is en self-confidence and perseverance to do what one wants to do. The light codings of the Sun activate liberal energy to bring ideas and insights to the outside independently. Rafael’s energy helps to convey insights in an understanding way. It helps to become aware that one can apply positive qualities independently. Lady Venus helps to tap cosmic power sources. She stimulates to see that one is ready to develop ones beautiful talents, talents that were not used because one couldn’t remember them due to own problems. She helps to be a pillar where one can lean against and to be a lay of hope for ones surroundings. Her healing energies activate the knowledge that one can appeal to the Holy Chamber of ones heart, to tune in everyday all over again ones mental and emotional being to the “ I Am”. One comes to see that every time one tunes in his intention positively to the Christ consciousness, one receives a reaction of love back by which the self-love can grow. Children and adolescents learn to get control over outbursts of anger, which they demonstrate to compensate their feeling of weakness. Feelings that originate out of impotence, as a result of clinging to much to their parents, teachers, friends etc. They learn to take up independently. Regeneration activates their inner light force and joy of life. Works energetically powerful on the Root up until the heart/thymus chakras. Stimulates energetically the pancreas that stands for security in thinking and the adrenal glands, which stand for confidence. After embedding the Earthstar and Soulstar chakras are being activated.
Introduction 35, Self Healing
We knew that the Earth, with humanity, found itself in a transitional period and her biosphere transformed to the noo-sphere. The biosphere is the life-carrying energy around our planet, inside which the evolution of life forms takes place. The noo-sphere is a thin layer that envelops the biosphere and contains amongst others the conscious thinking of man. This noo-sphere forms itself from the chrono-sphere that informs and directs. This contains also the time concept of Earth. It is the sphere that keeps the time-cycle for Earth. Time is third dimension, and this we may overcome! This transition is a natural evolution process of our Sun, a living energy that helps humanity towards self-reflection during evolution and from the instinctive towards telepathic ability. This is only possible if one can transform space in thoughts and emotions into listing with love to yourself and your own body. Afterwards it seemed that the sunspot peaks had reached their high that day. We felt also the power of the Central Sun, the source of the whole Universe, the beginning of all psychological and spiritual creations here on Earth. In Balance we prepared along the red and white flowers of the Common Hemp-nettles and Green Aventurine. Green Aventurine bring calmness and rest will resonate in our inner moods. Clarity and patience can set in. During preparation we were surrounded by beautiful Nature-elementals and Angel Rafael, the regent of the planet Mercury, that can always be called on for support whenever on has trouble adapting to new circumstances. Also appeared Lady Master Venus, the ethereal psychological power of the planet Venus. Her power in these Energies is amongst others the polarization of the chakras. Her energy alters the light rays such; that they stay vibrating bundled per chakra and cannot break off or bounce back.
- Self Healing is for everybody where independence and an opinion of their own couldn’t be developed. This could have come into being because their parents/caretakers took on tasks from them during their development phases, or because on was criticized during his tasks. Life seems heavy due to this and one is confronted with feelings of fear of failure and doubt. Also fears, making a fuss before one does anything or gets to experience, are traced back to this, also reactions like eating too much to compensate their feelings. Also the tendency to “buy” others, before one dares to step outside with help questions, flows from this. Self healing stimulates the insight that one can leave behind these burdens one talked himself into. It activates peace of mind and inner calmness and encourages asking for help when doubting. Self Healing gives insight that one doesn’t have to be afraid to fail, everything needs to be learned and the practical acting is being developed, just because of daring to act. It gives self-confidence and the insight how one can transform his fears, so that one can create himself positive thoughts. Rafael helps to reach faster his independence and to strengthen, and to increase insights in the communication. It gives the power to achieve consequently that what one wants. The energy of Lady Master Venus works protecting, so that one can be open towards his partner, family, colleagues etc., without the reservations and the fear to be rejected. She helps to connect with yourself and to let go of the fear for the unknown, for instance ones development on the spiritual path. She activates the creative power and knowledge out of experiences comes free with the learning which “food” his Soul needs. The Light codings of the Sun activate the possibilities to reflect this to the outside and repair the connection with Mother Earth and the Cosmos. The color pink is being activated in the aura, so that self-love can anchor itself. Children and adolescents learn to develop skills to work together and to share. They learn to see how to make clear to parents without aggression that they have to be released more. Works energetically powerful on the Root up until the Epiphysis chakra. Stimulates energetically the sexual glands, that stand for balance and determination, the thymus gland that stands for confidence and the thyroid and supra-thyroid glands, that stand for perseverance and the epiphysis, that stands for clear thinking. After embedding the Whale Matrix- and the Christ consciousness chakras are being activated.
Introduction 36, Yellow Ray
On 12-12-2001 there was a worldwide gathering of Light workers. Light workers who bundled to anchor the high Light frequencies that were send to earth. These frequencies can help humanity to open the heart so that one can exceed his ego and the duality. Present were Master Kuthumi and Archangel Michael to anchor along their virtues, so that can be released karmic from taught qualities, so that one can remember the Divine teachings. Teachings like deep stillness inside, the Holy Geometry, knowledge of astronomy and the teaching “ I Am who I Am.!” These are the teachings Kuthumi learned in his life as Pythagoras. Michaels energy reflects and activates the Light of our Creator, that is capable of activating the inner alchemy. In Yellow Ray we prepared along the Orange Peel and the Black Tourmaline. The Black Tourmaline gives inspiration, self-confidence and perseverance, and transforms negative forces inside and around us by means of spiritual energy.
- Yellow Ray is for persons that are far ahead of their time, but cannot yet develop this. It helps to apply feeling in his acting and structure in his growth process. It gives the insight that one has to work on himself, something that doesn’t always work because there is a certain “resistance” against this. This feeling can be originated because one mist a fundamental security by an instable childhood or conflicts with his parents. The results of this mostly are conflicts with the own development. Yellow Ray helps to let go of these influences in life. It gives insight in how one can work on himself in a caring and loving way and self knowledge how one can transform from the head to the heart. Yellow Ray activates the inner alchemy, to transform hidden talents from subconscious layers to the consciousness. Michael supports to not reflect feelings uncontrolled. He gives rest and insight to get to recognize premonitions. Kuthumi’s energy stimulates to be perceptive out of a natural openness and without fears for the teachings and hidden powers of the Universe. His power learns how to deal with this in private and public. He lets experience that the connection to the Higher Self, combined with desire of enterprise, is a good foundation for further transformation. Children and adolescents learn to control their boring, for instance during school classes that are “old fashioned” and adaptation-frustrations. Works energetically powerful on the Root up until the Neck/Chin chakras. Stimulates energetically the sexual glands that stand for balance and determination and the thymusgland, which stands for self-confidence and the thyroid and supra-thyroids that stand for perseverance. After anchoring the Dolphin Matrix- and Star gate chakras are being activated.
Cosmic&Flower Energies you can order at:
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